Thursday, December 11, 2008

Frohe Ostern

It's too early to wish you happy easter, but this one can't wait...

Frohe Ostern

BTW, Andi Brehme (world cup champion 1990) used to play for Uli Hoeneß'es (BTW world cup champion 1974) team with greatest success.
Uli Hoeneß (Opel): Mensch Andi schön dich zu sehen!
Andi Brehme (the person sitting): Ja Frohe Ostern!
Uli: Na dir aber auch!
Andi: Was machst du denn so?
Uli: Na Eier suchen!
Andi: Viel Spass!
Uli: Werd ich haben!

"Hey Andi, nice to see you!"
"yes, happy eastern!"
"Yeah you too!"
"What are you doing?"
"Searching for eggs!"
"Have fun!"
"I will!"

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