Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I have added two more pictures to my collection of images of words.

WordCount™ is an artistic experiment in the way we use language. It presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonness.
Much more interesting is QueryCount:
Each time someone searches a word on WordCount, QueryCount takes note. Every few hours, QueryCount refreshes itself, rearranging its word rankings based on the number of times each word has been queried by WordCount.
I was curious where the words from my series rank on wordcount and especially querycount. A rank of one means it is a most commonly used or queried word.
no name        wordcount   querycount
0 word             487            35
1 auto           17171          1758
beauty          2381           796
salon           8969         14010
2 enter           1938          3212
at                20           241
own              127          1747
risk             835          3016
3 Louvre         19633         19107
museum          1506          4209
4 prisoner        4939         14093
5 hello           2588            16
6 bank             538           627
7 moved            676         19770
8 hole            2205          1338
9 rich            1482           427
10 toilet          5140           694
11 sex             1236             1          
12 virgin          4526           962
13 zoo             8456           243
14 noise           2173          4110
15 with              17           277
love             384             3
16 goal            1726          2338
17 exchange        1167          7146
18 seduction      23457         10641
19 aha             3548          7222
20 aha             3548          7222
21 exit            6013          2156
22 driving         1595         12151
school           226           106
23 exchange        1167          7146
24 women            210           416
25 taxi            4498          2700
26 I                 11             6
27 the                1             2
secret          1788          2102
life             154           114
of                 2            67
words            365          1471
28 museum          1506          4209
29 passion         3854          1383

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